Saturday, November 13, 2010

Ghost of Toolshed Past

Heh, time has flown by - I blame the accelerating universe. Or is that now an outdated idea? Anyway, revisiting the toolshed I have to admit it's a pretty funny little spot in the cyberverse. I did alright.

Blogging has fallen by the wayside as I have used my limited time on many home improvement/maintenance projects. It's amazing how so many things in a dwelling need attention. I've been ripping out carpet and putting down new flooring, installing new light fixtures, repairing minor plumbing leaks, tiling the kitchen walls, repainting rooms and ceilings, and some other things I can't recall at the moment. Well, it's all part of being a home-maker. And I just didn't even think about documenting it all with pictures and blogging. Ooops.

But above all of that, mothering my children has been the primary focus of my life. The oldest is now a high school freshman and is the "beast" of the quads (tenors) in the high school drumline. My daughter is now in middle school and has thankfully so far avoided the middle school problems her older brother had.
And the youngest is in 4th grade, and he is still full of many potentials that are yet to be cultivated.

So that's just a very brief review of the passing time.

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